Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Nurturing the Ties that Bind: Strengthening the Parent/Child Relationship

“Romance fails us and so do friendships, but the relationship of parent and child, less noisy than all the others, remains indelible and indestructible, the strongest relationship on earth”
-- Theodore Reik 

Valentine’s Day is a great time to reflect on relationships with all of the people we love, especially our children. The relationship between parent and child is unlike any other.  Rooted in unconditional love-- it endures. Yet, like all relationships, it requires nurturing. Maintaining a strong parent/child bond is important for healthy child development. It builds self esteem and confidence in children, gives them a sense of security and lays a foundation for future relationships in their lives. In fact, some studies show that children who are close to their parents have better behavior and academic performance than those who are not. Despite our best intentions, our busy lives often make spending time with our children difficult. Fortunately, it’s not the quantity of time spent, but the quality of that time that will bring about a strong and loving family connection.

To strengthen the family bonds in your home try the following:

Take time to have one-on-one conversations with your child daily. Be sure that your conversation is not one-sided or limited to giving instructions; but one that encourages a mutual sharing of experiences and ideas.  Even if your time is limited, focus squarely on your child and listen carefully to what he has to say. Make an effort to show interest in the things that are important to him. 

Set aside “special time” to spend alone with your child to do an activity that promotes communication and positive interaction.  This scheduled time to relax and have fun with your child is one of the best ways to foster a close connection. Find activities that you both enjoy. Take a walk, play a game, read or visit a museum together. Whatever you decide to do, avoid distractions or interruptions like phone calls, computers or television.  Commit to doing an activity on a regular basis. Whether daily or weekly, fifteen minutes or an hour, it is important that the time alone is seen as truly “special.”  

Encourage your child’s spirit with loving words and affection. Speak to her in a loving and respectful manner and compliment her on the things she does well. Always tell your child how much you love her. Be affectionate!  Studies show that when parents are affectionate, children form the attachments necessary for healthy mental and emotional development. Children are never too old for a hug!

The precious time we have to spend with our rapidly growing children is fleeting.  Make the most of every opportunity to strengthen the family ties for a lifetime.


Copyright © 2013 by Gardener Parenting Consultants, LLC

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